Paintings by:
Alicia Gibson
Amanda B. Friedman
Meghan Petras
Sara Murphy
as well as a DJ set by Melissa Brown, 9-10 pm at the
Joey, a rap by Gina Beavers
Here to talk about Joey
Had his picture on my wall, my one and only
It started at school, me pressed up against the bricks
In the summer out back, in the sticks
The city screamed to us from it’s canyons
With its beats and passion and sins
We scrawled our names on its walls
An ancient city—
we moaned our love down its halls
We scratched our names in the sand
And when we fought I scratched lines in his hand
I saved all our memories in my scrapbook
Empty pack of cigs, a ticket stub, all ready for one look
That day it rained, he came round the same way
The clouds crowning down, waiting for our play
Oh, yeah and how we had loved minute to minute
Never lookin up, not thinkin time would tip it
April 27th - May 20th, 2012
566 Johnson (entrance on Stewart)
Bushwick, BK
Open Sats/Suns 12-6 or by appt.
Opening Friday April 27th, 7-10pm